Sunday, July 15, 2007

My First Comments!

When I was a child, I loved the idea of pen pals. Imagine exchanging letters with someone who lived in an exotic country across the globe. The world of knitblogging is such a wonderful place! The internet allows us to be pen pals on a truly grand scale! I love the fact that we can now write across the miles almost instantaneously. My very first comments are from terrific ladies in two different countries thousands of miles from me. So, thank you for your comments and your words of encouragement, Jo and knititch!

My next big blog adventure will be learning to post pictures. Yes, I have actual pictures of knitting (some FOs and some UFO's). I think this may be the day to become more technologically educated.

Learning something new will be a good way to keep my mind off the fact that I have no idea yet where I will be in two weeks! I hope to hear something definite tomorrow. You may hear either my shouts of joy or my sobs of dismay! Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

i am in michigan and have been waiting to sell my house in jackson to move to lansing to be closer to my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter who is the light of my life too. where are you in michigan? i am planning to make some big changes too when i move. one being to rent instead of buying a house. i don't want to mow, shovel snow, or worry about necessary repairs and updates anymore.
good luck and congratulations w/ your new adventure.

picperfic said...

I am looking forward to seeing your pictures on here...good luck!

knititch said...

oh i do prefer knitting tension to work tension. i can totally understand you. and thanks so much for your encouragement on my norgi sweater.
oh and posting pictures is really a piece of cake. just click the picture icon and it is self explanatory.