Thursday, July 12, 2007

Will Wonders Never Cease?

Just when I was sure that I was meant to stay in Michigan, I received a phone call today that may mean I will be moving to Colorado after all! My life this summer has been a constant roller coaster ride with many emotional ups and downs. We will just have to wait and see if this up quickly changes to a down. Wish me luck!


knititch said...

thanks for your lovely comment at zimmermaniacs. go ahead with the when it comes to it, it is only knitting. i understand your rollercoaster very well. i just made a major job change after 13 years in the same place. and i feel scared.

Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Congratulations, congratulations, and YAY! Get the packing started! I cannot recommend changing lifestyle entirely and completely every so often - it refreshes the system amazingly. Will you need an entire change of wardrobe? Fibres? Styles? What will you knit on the journey down? Go, go, go! The best thing is that we all stay with you, wherever you unpack your suitcase, as long as there is Internet access!

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous!
I love Colorado....